Metal Gear Rising: Revengence hand Uncle Sam's boot so far up its ass and this game is Japanese. 90% of what anyone says is pseudo-philosophical technobabble and the last 10% is someone telling you who to kill. The dialogue is off the walls stupid. Yet, this game is more metal and more anime than anything else. It will break out into song when you're mincing enemies. Memes flow, satire flies, swords swing, bullets deflect. This game is tune for maximum bullshit energy. The final boss, a fictional US senator, quite literally says he will "make America great again." This game came out in 2013. Fuck subtext. Subtext is for bitches. I do not think I have worked out without listening to at least one MGR track since beating this. The volume of insanity is godlike. A classic that earned its status with raw, undistilled, mask-off horseshit.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023
