Ridge Racer feels like it is from the future no matter when you play it. This game strikes the perfect balance of personality with cleanliness such that it is remembered as a racing game with soul, but a subdued and high tech soul. Ridge Racer shows off without making its ego its core appeal. On a gameplay level, much of the same applies: the tracks are bright and full of detail, clearly made for skillful driving, the handling is swift and goes in and out of drifts easily. Furthermore, the driving is enhanced, by of all things, custom tachometers from car to car. Some cars feature a more VFD-style display, while others feature an analog needle. It is such a significant factor in feeling out the car's personality because it shows either an adherence to the styles of tradition, an embrace of new tech, or a little bit of both. Ridge Racer's personality shows in its execution of formula, with grace and with fun.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2023
