Man this game really did not stick for me at all. I never felt like I had initiative in combat, I just had to stick to the same beat of the same soulless rock song over and over again. Putting everything to a beat sounds like a great idea, but without high energy music, it just falls flat. The soundtrack is so boring and sanitary that it might sound pleasing, but the lack of bite or interesting composition leads to the rest of the package suffering from the same issues. Maybe, the aesthetic just is not for me as I tend to prefer faster, more aggressive metal music or maybe the music really is lacking the same kind of energy the visuals have. Either way, I did not feel like playing more of the game.

That being said, my opinion is not representative of the majority and Tango Gameworks getting shut down is an awful sign for the industry. My biggest concern is about the next generation of game designers. Will current high-schoolers or undergrads take up game design majors if they have next to no job security? Current developers have plenty to fear, but I wonder if this is going to cause a drop in interest for jobs in game development and stifle the progress of the medium.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
