First and foremost, wow. This game has had a hold on me for the last two years since ive played it. I havent even been able to properly put my thoughts into words since ive finished it until now. Anodyne 2: Return to Dust is a collectathon done right. Without getting into TOO much detail your character, "Nano Cleaner Nova" is given the task to cleanse the word of this Dust that effects and "hurts" people by this organization called "The Center". And as she is helping people throughout New Theland, she discovers the truth behind the Center and the Dust.

And now that im done with like the general review, I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME SO GOD DAMN MUCH! From all the diverse landscapes to all the funky and unique characters, Anodyne 2 has held a special place in my heart ever since i opened it up for the first time. I 100% suggest giving this game a shot because every single character has such like personality and i abolutely loved interacting with every single npc <3

ive got over 100 hours on this game now and i still havent gotten enough of it. MAN this game is really hard to even describe just cause how fast paced and fun it is. Pretty much youre a lil dude who runs around killing enemies for gold to unlock chests in order to collect items that make you sick. These said items stack and have pretty cool abilities.

It plays like a third person shooter roguelike which i personally have never seen outside of this game and MAN does this weird genre hybrid work so well! ive been playing the fuck out of it for the last two months or so now and i cant express my infatuation with this game. I would 100% give this game a shot if you dig the feel of mowing down enemies and progressively making your character incredibly busted!