Yes, finale is peak, but the rest of story is okay or whatever. I liked new characters, but most of them didn't get enough screen time. Most of story is the filler or random stuff that just happens. However I like the castle, fan service stuff for fans in this game and the Takaya Kuroda's performance was probably the best in the series. Still there should be more cinematic cutscenes.
Combat takes good stuff from LJ, but have too many issues to fully enjoy it. Problems with hit detection and juggle. Imo too much focus on using EX heat, and too little on using fun combos and heat actions. But gadgets are fun. Progression system kinda sucks, I don't hate money system, but the game doesn't rewards you for doing main missions, only way is side content.
I love new coliseum and looks customizations for Kiryu. Pocket circuit for 3th time is series is lame. Akame system sucks. Some substories are fine, but please no more funny grandma.
And bring back new game+.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2024
