My knowledge of games begin to extend at very young age when I started watching games on YouTube. My favorite channel was ZackScottGames and mainly watched nintendo games. In my country nintendo consoles were expensive and not available in any shops, only just switch in 2017 made it out.

Banjo-Kazooie finally gave me feel of playing a nintendo game on something I actually own. I know it came out on N64, but since MS own Rare it's available on Rare Replay collection and I'm glad it is there. This game has charm, very fun gameplay for almost everyone and it still worth playing in 2024. Every world is different and introduces new mechanics, puzzles or minigames, simply a masterful world design. Banjo movement is smooth and allows a big variety of moves and attacks, game keeps force the player to use every single one of them. Idea of final mission as a quiz is amazing.

I love almost every single aspect of this game. My only flaws are some platform sections in Rusty Bucket Bay level and in Click Clock Wood and camera problems in small locations. Besides that it's a special game for me and I'm hyped to play a Banjo-Tooie.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2024
