Halo 2 rules and it proofs once again that if you have full enjoyment playing a game on highest difficulty then it's damn good.

Dual welding gives a great opportunity to let every weapon shine that weren't great in CE. Battle rifle is only good burst weapon in gaming, because it benefit for being a burst weapon in this game. Enemy encounters are always challenging threat, but so satisfying to beat. I liked new enemies like brutes and even jackal snipers. I heard a lot of shit talk about them, but I like having that one enemy that give you thought "fuck, you again", so you use all the power to take them out as fast as you can and there are many weapons to take them really fast like BR or covenants' DMR. Operating scorpion is so fucking epic.

There are still thing I don't like. Operating banshee sucks and you have to do it twice. Slow elevator section with hundreds of flying and fast enemies is an agony. Arbiter's ability is cool, but makes his gameplay way easier than Master Chief. A few times checkpoint system works like RNG. Remaster version looks beautiful, but it tends to lose FPS and OG levels has better atmosphere.

Story is great with cool and memorable characters (sergeant Johnson and Miranda). I like Arbiter and his plot. Master Chief is better character in Halo 2 imo. Only cliffhanger is weak and it started all the cliffhanger in almost every other Halo game.

OST is a banger as always.

Multi is better than in CE, less magnum = more fun.

Damn, I love Halo.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2024
