First time I played this was in the late 90s. I was a kid, did not get any farther in the game. it was too difficult for me.

I came with revenge this time, just to beat the game no goal of enjoyment or anything lol.

In term of game-play the game focus on platforming for most of the time. Unfortunately the developer choose to implement tank control which is insane for a game that focus mainly on platforming.

as to fighting mechanics, it is all over the place, you just press the firing button and hope for the best because the enemies do not have a pattern you can track and try to beat them, they attack you directly so you have to find high platform that you can shoot them without them being able to reach you.

The only part I really enjoyed is the exploration and finding the right bath to progress in the level it was well designed.

the graphic is OK for a game released 20+ years a go excluding the last levels it gave me silent hill vibe which is strange for an adventure game.

as for the story it is short and sweet it shows the original Lara the badass one not the whiny and wimpy new generation one.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2023
