Junk food gaming. I would be lying if I could give really any plot/character information beyond a surface level description. I skipped through a lot of the dialogue to get to the gameplay especially during the modern day sections (why they didn't cut that crap loose early into this franchise I have no idea.) Although, I did like the main character of Kassandra, the voice actor did a fantastic job.

The world is fantastic, the game is drop dead gorgeous on Series X. Ubisoft are fantastic at bringing these locations to life and Odyssey is no different. It's an overbearing world in many ways due to it's size, but boy is it ever beautiful.

What will you do most of the game? Well you get a quest, the game lets you find the location of the quest organically by giving you clues to find them as subtle as a brick through a glass window. It's pretending to be breath of the wild but it's terrified you will get lost in it's 500mile radius map. Then you head to the location, murder ten or so people, grab something and return to the quest giver. Over and over.

Combat wise it's simplistic stuff of similar style to the Arkham games but lacking a lot of the fluidity and depth. There's very little in enemy variety barring dudes with shields...dudes with bigger shields...man with bow. Not to say it's bad, it's satisfying for example Sparta kicking someone 200ft off a cliff or just tearing through the hordes of villainous greek henchmen.

I really enjoyed the cult of cosmos gameplay mechanic, a step back from the nemesis system of the Shadow of Mordor games but it was always satisfying ticking another one off my murder list.

I was impressed by the lite RPG mechanics I was genuinely shocked when a choice I made early in the game effected the way I was perceived by a character later in the game.

Length....Christ. All in completing the main odyssey and a handful of side quests I was 50 hours, a large part of which was partaking in the same murderous activities over and over across the games quarter of a million enemy camps and bases.

I sound like I'm moaning about the game a lot but it was a genuinely good time to spend across a month. One of those "shut off your brain" type games which was good to relax with at night, put a podcast or music on and just zone out and have fun.


Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
