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Very solid platformer. I died a lot cuz I have 144p vision but it was very fun despite all of that since you don't really get punished for dying.

I loved the fact the environment changes as you progress the story, it reminds me of Mega Man X where each stage would change depending on who you killed and it just makes the game feel a bit more full of life and makes you feel like your progress mattered.

Ori was a joy to move with, by the end of the game you had so many movement options that some of them felt redundant (the orb-throw-switch-launch-movement). But I don't mind that, I'd love to see streamers incorporate this into their Speedruns and see them go even faster than I could. The dash was also super fast and satisfying.

The soundtrack kicking in during intense scenes was awesome, also I loved how the controller vibrated when the Owl Mama is getting close to you signaling a ruthless instant death.

I didn't follow the lore too deeply but I can say I superficially enjoyed the story and it's tragedy but it paid off and you could walk away with a good lesson from it. (I'm still team Owl Mama tho).

Ori was a fun experience and you should definitely give it a shot if you like Sidescrollers.