Barji Kart is simple low quality multiplayer racing game. Don't expect too much from it.

Characters - Simple cartoony meme characters, 4 to choose from.
Sound - The music is nothing special.
Mechanics - Buggy at times, but the car can drift, drive in all directions and there are some power-ups on the track as well.
Visuals - Very basic track, character and world design.
Gameplay - There are some respawning bugs sometimes, but most things work just fine. Entertaining and fun if you playing with a friend.
Level Design - Fairly basic level design, with just a floating track and a couple of raps and jumps at times, it isn't the most impressive level design for a racing game.
Goal - To beat someone else in a race or to get the best race time you can.
Story - None.
Length - 1 hour
Rating - 2/10

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2023
