Binge played this pulling an all nighter, it's goofy fun but can get very frustrating without the use of cheats, idk how people played the original version without using any cheats, I couldn't be that patient for this game. Also there's a lot of mission breaking bugs in the game and Grove Street Games haven't touched the base game let alone fix it, it's basically just adding glowing textures, they haven't fixed any of the bugs issues from the og games, instead gave us even more bugs/glitches to deal with. The least they could've done is give us proper checkpoints/auto save feature, even that is half assed as there's only a checkpoint when u begin a mission not throughout the mission, while that can be excused most of the time since the missions don't take that long, but there are some annoying missions that would've felt a lot better if there was a checkpoint. Using cheats is fun, running down pedestrians in the 3d trilogy is far more fun, goofier and therapeutic than GTA V or GTA IV, the sound effects of their bodies getting squished is really satisfying and nostalgic for some reason and another goofy factor to this is the civilians keep running into your vehicle to die even if you don't intend to crash onto them. Overall I don't think many would have the patience to enjoy this one, it's still fun and is the starting point of whatever gta is rn but it's extremely dated and story is bland as well, don't expect something like 4 or SA.

Reviewed on Dec 07, 2023


6 months ago

100% agreed. I think it's pretty amazing how much Rockstar was able to improve upon the basic GTA formula in just one year from GTA III to Vice City. I mean, VC still has some dated elements, but I think is waaay more playable today than III and it's superior in every single aspect in relation to its predecessor.

6 months ago

IKR they made Vice City Look so much superior all in a span of 1 year, massive over haul in dialogue presentation and story.