I personally went in with low expectations for this game thinking a game set in a desert would definitely be boring but to my surprise, it actually ended up being one of my favorite games of all time.AC Origins was a breath of fresh air for the stagnated AC formula with its revamped combat system which was similar to the Witcher 3 and heavy emphasis on role-playing elements like weapon upgrades and crafting. The plot is exactly as it is in the title of how Assassins and the Templars came to be and follow an emotional and energetic journey of a father/husband/friend/Medjay(Egyptian Samurai) Bayek ,the father of the Assassins' Order to seek out the organization that murdered his son.The world was sprawling with detail with each city being extremely different from the other and the journey between them all the more mesmerizing due to the various pyramids, dungeons, and oasis scattered around the world. The sidequests could get a bit repetitive and it's mandatory to do most of them to bet at a required level to clear a certain mission,of course u can barge in underleveled but it wont end up pretty good but some of the sidequests are actually superior to the main storyline and that is massive positive about this game. The set pieces in this game are top notch and some of the boss fights are straight up beautiful that it is impossible to not get awed by this game. The naval missions are not as detailed as the previous installments like Rogue and Black Flag but its understandable considering the era this game is set in but itstill maintains that same intensity. Its also worth mentioning that there is a really intense chase sequence where you and Julius Caeser try to outrun a rampaging elephant on a chariot. Assassins Creed Origins is truly a magical experience which at least every gamer should play at least once in their lifetime. It is by far the best Assasins Creed game ever released in my opinion

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2021
