9 Reviews liked by Sankthi

Cool setting and writing can't save how utterly unenjoyable this game is to play.

Play Darklands for a proper MicroProse RPG. This ain't it.

The game that's come closest to bringing back all those childhood memories of playing Zoo Tycoon 1. A great mix of simplicity and complexity, as its easy to get the hang of it yet it demands you be able to meet the requirements of the fish as well as giving you side missions to complete so its always giving you enough to do. The devs have been supporting this game with quality expansions for years and I've spent nearly 200 hours with it over the years and have gotten every achievement. Just a fantastic tycoon game.

requires internet to monitor your sleep??? not a huge fan of that, and the daytime bit where you actually play is boring as fuck

zero brain activity game. what's the point of even playing, other than baiting yourself to touch grass

I got up to Lesson 20. Thanks to an Amazon reviewer I discovered this has a handful of kana stroke order mistakes, very silly shenanigans.

Love to blast music and drive around Europe, so chill!