Sweetest Monster is probably the most disturbing game I've ever played. It's fairly light on nudity and despite what its Steam store page says, there's also not a lot of actual "fan service" here. It's more of a deconstruction of Visual Novel tropes, but it's also very much concerned with the way men often view women. Because of that, what might be considered fan service in other VNs just made me really uncomfortable here, and I'm fairly certain that's precisely what the author intended.

It's a fairly short game (2-3 hours depending on how fast you read) and I believe that discussions of the plot would only stray into spoiler territory, something a lot of other reviews here and on Steam seem to do. It's a compelling story that quickly pulled me in and it's best experienced blind, although I recommend to perhaps check trigger warnings since this game certainly requires a lot of them. There are no decisions to make in this one, but I didn't miss them at all and think the game is better off without them.

If I had to criticize anything, it'd be that some of the characters sound a bit unnatural when talking. I especially noticed this with the protagonist's wife, whose dialogue is just to sophisticated to pass as everyday speech. This gets noticeably better after the first 10-15 minutes, so I'm not deducting to much from the score. Overall, I'd definitely recommend this for fans of darker and more mature Visual Novels.

Edit: In the days following this review I have also completed the game's sequel, Sweetest Monster Refrain. Refrain is probably the most niche game I've ever played, with not a single walkthrough on YouTube, no discussions on it anywhere, and not even a page on backloggd (which is why I'm writing about it here).

Refrain starts out almost painfully slow, but picks up after the first third. From there on the game gets better and better, building up to a single brutal decision. Due to the initial slow pacing I'd rate it around 4 stars, so slightly lower than the first one. Nevertheless, everyone who liked Sweetest Monster (and can stomach more of the game's heavy subjects) should check out Refrain.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2024
