This must've been quite the experience on the PSP, but playing it on a PS3 makes it look like a somewhat generic game. It released after God of War 2, even though it partially sets up the events of that game, but looks worse and lacks both set pieces and impressive boss fights.

There's also a lack of interesting additions to the combat or gameplay in general, and the whole game is not very well balanced: slightly past the midway point I had fully upgraded every weapon, as well as my health and mana bar. That's not to say the combat is bad, it's fun, but it has a very "been there, done that" feel to it.

On a more positive note, I appreciate the absence of the insanely difficult QTEs that were common in God of War 1 and 2. Some of the environment art is great too, although repetitive. The story is somewhat predictable, but still manages to flesh out Kratos as a character.

Nevertheless, I could never shake the feeling that the reason this game exists was purely to get a God of War game on the PSP. There's just not enough there in the graphics, story, or gameplay department to make it feel like an important entry in the series. If you're interested in playing it, at least try to do so before playing God of War 2.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
