There is, on a very fundamental level, no reason for this game to exist. Everything it does has not only been done before, it has been done better.

The only good thing about Declassified are the graphics. The game looks similar to Black Ops 1, although slightly scaled down and running at a lower resolution. Gore effects have been removed, and every map and level is pretty small, but this is still one of the best looking games on the Vita.

That's where the positives end. Multiplayer is still alive, at least for TDM, but the controls make it feel less satisfying than on an actual console. All the maps are taken either from Black Ops or, in the case of Shipment, Modern Warfare. They have, unfortunately, been heavily downscaled. There's no reason to play them here when you could just play better versions of them on console or PC.

Zombies mode is absent, replaced with a wave defense mode and a couple of challenge levels resembling the Modern Warfare obstacles courses. Again, all of this has been done better in other Call of Duty games.

The campaign is probably the low point of the entire game. At least everything else was mostly bad because of the Vita's control layout and performance capabilities. Meanwhile, the campaign is just all around bad, and no amount of porting to more powerful systems could help it. The 10 missions are barely connected through introductory voice overs over poorly compressed prerendered cutscenes. Whereas the other Black Ops games at least attempted some commentary on the Cold War, Declassified operates on a level of "Russians suck" that hasn't been observed since Rocky 4. The writing is terrible, with characters saying fuck in nearly every other sentence, as if that would somehow make the game seem more mature. The campaign ends with what is supposed to be a setup for Black Ops 2, only that the same twist has already been done in Black Ops 2 with more set-up, payoff, and thematic depth.

What makes it even worse is the game's balancing. I'm assuming that the devs must have realized at some point that their campaign can be completed in less than an hour, and decided to make it seem longer by cranking up the difficulty. The game's ai is hilariously stupid, and Declassified tries to make up for that by spawning dozens of them all around the player and making them spot the player through walls. Recruit difficulty and checkpoints during missions are both absent as well, making it seem even more as if this was supposed to tire out players so they don't rush through it in less than an hour.

I've seen all the game has to offer in the span of an evening, and can confidently say that there is absolutely nothing worthwhile in this game. Fancy graphics don't help when everything else is so painfully bad. Get literally any other Call of Duty game instead of this one.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2024
