I loved base game (completed it 3 times with various self-imposed rules) and beat Ashes of Ariandel too, but I just didn't have a good time with this DLC. I defeated the first boss (demon prince) and enjoyed that encounter, but getting through the environment is just nonstop bombardment by rangers and angels, as well as a fuckton of fatty melees with machettes and some ambushers jumping on you from ceiling. It's not the difficulty that bothers me, I can progress through that. I just hated always having to desperately try to find a way while being constantly under siege. At least when you were fired upon in Anor Londo archers or that huge machinery in Smouldering Lake, you could at least close the range and make it stop. Ringed City is giving you none of that. It's designed to make you run constantly. I always just wanted to be done with the zones so I could get to the next boss. If that's how the DLC makes you feel, you know it's a terrible design.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

yeah the areas themselves are underwhelming at best and frustrating at worst, especially once you get to the city proper, but i recommend powering through because the final boss itself is fucking amazing