An often criticized sequel to the horror classic.
Though in my opinion, unfairly so.
General discourse around the time of release was that hiding is discouraged, it being the "main" mechanic of the series this would be a fair criticism if it couldn't be applied to all of the series titles.
All of which are fairly easy to beat on normal difficulties without hiding whatsoever

The other criticism being it's sensational approach to the imagery. Leaning into the shock value of seeing something like a pile of corpses.
"How about a pile of baby corpses?!"

While maybe a fair criticism. The first game had a DLC where your character was strapped to a table and had his genitals mutilated. 💀

Kinda a moot point in my opinion

I think this game succeeds in the story and mystery, where the first had much less to explain untill the very end where it starts to actually ask questions.

Also I'm sure leaning into the heavy criticism of religious figures and exploitation of such did not help with general discourse.
(Though a totally vaild criticism)

The only part of the game I had a hard time getting through was the much disliked cave sections
Though being generally a very tedious section it was the only part of the game that actually "forced" me to hide.
So do with that what you will

Overall an absolutely horrifying horror experience that I likely will not ever forget.


Reviewed on May 25, 2024
