Sometimes iteration is a positive for series, but sometimes it never got better than the start. While technically a remade port of the arcade release, the important thing is that the first Contra still utilizes its mechanics the best. All of the weapons have different applications you have to pick between on the fly, there's a genuine focus on platforming and the game has a near-perfect difficulty curve. Later run 'n' guns, especially the Contra series itself, would end up focusing on set-pieces more and more with time and had you wandering flat terrain just shooting right primarily, but not the original. If you want a near perfect encapsulation of challenging and fair design (in spite of its brutality) this is the way to go.

Reviewed on May 26, 2023


Just finished the Contra anniversary collection. I would argue set pieces were a logical addition to the series when the technology improved, but yeah Konami could have better balanced that with the platforming. Hard Corps in particular has mindless shooting segments between its admittedly good bosses, a disconnect that could have been avoided with more involved platforming.

1 month ago

@EldestBrisingr I don't dislike the set-pieces- I'm actually a bit of an art nerd, so I'm a giant sucker for stuff that just looks cool. My main issue is that the series didn't blend What You See with What You Get, basically. Lots of games like Sin and Punishment or Shadow of the Colossus really put you in the set-pieces, whereas in newer Contra games have you sitting and observing them a lot, minus bosses.

If Hard Corps inherited a little more of Contra III's grunge and NES Contra's platforming, it'd probably be a masterpiece to me.
“…I’m a giant sucker for stuff that just looks cool…”
That makes two of us haha! The Bayonetta series comes to mind when I think of awesome set-pieces. I can recommend it for that, but I also know you’re not a fan of Devil May Cry.

I would play Shadow of the Colossus if I had a PlayStation. I’ll get to Sin & Punishment after I play more of Treasure’s titles. Working through Gunstar Heroes atm. Thank you for the recommendations and for responding to my comment!