Mortal Kombat 1 is phenomenal.
That's not to say that all parts of it work but it has the goods where they matter. Namely: the kombat.
I've tried a few fighting games over the years but nothing, absolutely NOTHING gets close mechanically, visually or plain stylistically to Mortal Kombat. And this entry may just be the best one I've played.

Where it falters a bit is its story, which starts out cheesy and fun but ends up in generic multiverse bullshit. The Invasions mode as well is just...fine.

However, the item/skin economy is a fundamental improvement from MK11. That also goes for the kombos, how creative you can get with building them - only now do I realize just how restrictive MK11 was in this regard.

Lastly, my favorite part of this whole package might just be the stage music: Cage Mansion, Tomb of the Dragon Army, Fire Temple, The Hourglass and The Hanging Gardens are some of the tracks I've had on repeat since launch. I can't believe the official soundtrack just released without some of its best tracks.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2023
