Resident Evil Village is a solid game, most of all because of its gameplay foundation and atmosphere; there has clearly been put so much love into the design of this world. Some sections of this game were truly masterful.

I'll get to the point: I did not enjoy this nearly as much as RE2 Remake and RE7. Why? Because it lacks the cohesion, the focus and precision that those games had. Village tries to unite the direction of PS3 era Resident Evil games and the radically different style of RE7 - this results in a theme park of different experiences. For some people, this exactly what they want. For me, it was not.

At the most scary part, I wished this game had more of it. At its most action-movie parts, I wished this game would commit to that. This game's only commitment is that it doesn't want to commit at all!

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2023
