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Sounded like an interesting concept at first and, as somebody who reads a lot of science fiction, this seemed like something right up my alley. Unfortunately, the game is absolutely painful to play and the payoff isn't worth the time, money, or effort spent. The controls are slow, stiff, and make it extremely difficult to navigate the ship. This is made even worse by how frequently you'll be travelling around the ship, trying to manipulate your movement to get a good view of all the puzzles you need to solve. Combine this with obtrusive visuals (computer static, low brightness, and very unappealing and same-y design) and the actual gameplay was a slog to get through.

I'd rather not get into spoiler territory, so I'll just say that the story was similarly disappointing. It really seemed as if it were designed more to mindfuck the player with weird and cryptic imagery rather than create any real depth or explore any interesting questions. It's all presentation and no substance.