Has some strong aspects to it, but there are some flaws that drag it down a bit.

Unfortunately, I can't go into much detail about the good parts of the game without significant risk of spoilers. Just accept my word that there are good things about it and those are best experienced blind.

As for the flaws, my biggest issues are with the prevalence of sex scenes and issues with replaying. On the first point, while I'm not a prude or anything, there are just way too many sex scenes that take way too long to actually end. I understand their role in the story and wouldn't suggest removing them, but their importance is dwarfed by their actual length.

As for the 2nd point, the game can often lock you out of certain routes via a point-of-no-return sort of mechanic. I'll spare the details, but my issue is that these points are too easy to trigger and it can be very easy to lock yourself out of other routes before you even get a chance to understand what's going on. Essentially, its very easy to reach the 'true' ending without having experienced most of the actual choices available and, once you're on that path, you cant go back and try any of the alternatives.

Some of these issues are understandable given what the game was trying to go for, but they still create significant issues. I tepidly recommend this game on account of its many strengths, but I don't think it quite qualifies as a must-play sort of experience.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2022
