Decided to get back to this game for the fourth time after complaining about it being repetitive and boring. For some reason this time I'm having such a huge blast with this game and time just flew so fast. I don't know why this happend but I think it was because I paid more attention to the voice lines/humor and the fact that I've never really paid attention to how beautiful this game looks that made me appreciate this game more. Or maybe it's just because I've started getting good weapons that are cool to look at and actually deal a lot of damage (my favorite is Teapot so far). I've also started to like the characters personalities much more and how they make every dialogue feel special. Take for instance Scooter, I always hated and found him annoying but there was a scene (won't say details in case of spoilers) where his personality made everything better that made me burst out laughing. It's a scene where Lilith is teleporting something huge and when that thing gets teleported Scooter is just screaming "CAAAATCH AA RIIIIDEEEEEE!!!!" (was a voice line I used to hate) which is just hilarious. What I'm tryna say is that I love this game and it surprisingly started ticking all my boxes from what I want from a game.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2024
