I'm a former Billy and Twins main and I had to stop playing this game for my own sanity and well being. I was heavily addicted to this game but this is not about my addiction but about the game itself which explains why I gave this game 4 stars.

So alright where do I start. I think that Dead By Daylight is a love letter to us slasher and horror media fans. The game is constantly being updated and they are always adding new killers and new survivors from different games and movies. Which is something I just love to see. It really brings us fans together. The game is also very fun and it is just so rewarding in terms of winning games and trying new builds. There are lots of perks and you can easily get 1000's of hours out of this game without any question. The only problem is that a lot of skins and DLC:s are locked behind a paywall so you're gonna have to spend a bit of money to get all of the perks. It is also one of those games to me where I actually liked having to try to get better at. So gameplay wise this game is just so good. It also got tons of interesting and entertaining lore.

However this game got major issues in terms of community, developers, balancing and exploits. Survivors in this game got an unfair advantage over the killer in many areas. They can for example change the aspect ratio which makes it easier for them to spot and predict the killer (abusing this method is not how this game was intended to be played). There is also another problem with survivors being on comms as it gets them an unfair advantage over the killer and makes it easier to cooperate (the game doesn't have voice chat or text chat in game you're not supposed to be able to finish a game in 3 minutes just because they talk on comms). The nerfs and buffs that the developers introduce in each update is just so broken and lots of perks on both sides are being abused because of that. The developers are also so out of touch with their community and have done a lot of shitty things. They also have SBMM so if you do well one game you're ending up with tryhards for the rest of the day.

Last but not least the community has some of the most toxic and disgusting people I have ever met in my entire life. Mostly from when I was playing killer but also as a survivor. Playing as a killer has made me constantly bullied by survivors and I have even gotten death threats for basically doing my job. Also these friends groups also usually bring a flashlight and spam click plus they always tbag when you miss and etc. They often just try to annoy you as much as possible by abusing their perks and their exploits. And no matter how good you do they will always win and will always shit on you for no reason. Having to face that on a daily basis took a toll on my mental health and made me had to seek therapy which is why I quitted playing.

What I would do to fix this is have an option to not get queued with friend groups and keep the tryhards in a seperate gamemode like ranked. And maybe somehow try to get survivor mains to realise that there are killers who play fairly and to remember that they are human as well.

So to summarize it short great game but one of the worst communities and playerbase that I have ever played with.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024
