I thought this game was gonna suck, being completely honest. I had shrugged this game off and lumped it with the middling-quality XBLA titles of its era. Eventually, I decided to give it a shot when it was dirt cheap on Steam, and found it quite enjoyable. It's simple, sure, but it manages to work within its simplicity to keep itself enjoyable throughout, each map introducing its own "gimmick", which keeps even the early maps interesting (I've seen similar games of this type recycle map ideas per difficulty and am glad Dungeon Defenders at least tries to keep each map its own thing). What's most surprising is the fact this game a community-maintained branch with modding support and updated content that is just THERE on steam, as a beta.

Keep an eye on this game, pick it up whenever its cheap, rope some friends into doing the same, and have a blast Defending some Dungeons.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2022
