I think this game would've been better if they added my favorite video game characters "The Rabbids" from Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show. If they went "BWAAAHHH" and then the Smarty Pants announcer came in and went "Sorry!" but only before "Heyyy buzzz!" radiated throughout the room with the same inspiring tone used to influence Square Enix to make their best game yet Balan Wonderworld. If only there were a board game that made no sense and had minigames where the result of only two people mattered like Pac-Man Party or there were a quiz show in which both answers kill you anyway like some of my favorite Team Fortress 2 maps, in fact, this game could learn a lot from TF2 like not getting updates, in fact, I'd argue the constant updates to Club Penguin: Game Day! are ruining the game slowly, I mean really, who's idea was it to add a Barrel Blast collab? Or, better yet the new "Daylight" mode where you hold one button and wait for the new $6.99 killer to come get you while doing quicktime events. It's not ALL bad though, I'll admit, I did have some fun in the 6-Man ladder match mode or even when playing the Enkidu special. Despite all of its faults, something about Club Penguin: Game Day! keeps me coming back, I don't know why but I think I enjoy it more than some of my most favorite games. Whether its me putting in my real age and not abusing the system when the game asks "How old are you" or the characters doing the Gangnam Style at random intervals, or maybe its even the Fluster Cluck of Madness that takes place in this Typical TV Party. Whatever it is, there's only one thing I can say for sure.

Club Penguin Game Day must've experienced one hell of a CRUNCH TIME! to make it where it is today.

That's all from me, I need to get back to listening to Weezer and DEMONDICE, they're both in my top 10 most played artists of the month! I was going to have my pet duck write the outro to this one originally, but he kept writing things my lawyer has advised me to remove, Sorry!

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2023
