135 reviews liked by ScreenyBeany

A remarkably charming jaunt that's just what is says on the tin. This game isn't very long, but it makes a strong impression with its gorgeous art style, cute array of animals, and very rewarding and natural progression system that encourages you to explore the reaches of the shoreline and mountains. There's almost no faults in this experience, it's everything it wants to be!

cute art style, almost cried at the ending UGH

This was a minigames with nice animations kind of game.
I really like how experimental it was in many ways, like accesing minigames was a bunch of secret commands by itself, as the only screen aviable was just uuuh i don't know how this dude is called in english the duck the fucking fuck it was just him there and if you waited long enough a minigame appeared and if you did nothing something else and all of that.
Maybe you could count this as a precursor of The Stanley Parable and it wouldn't be too far from reality.

A hidden gem that added a whole new feel to Dragon's Lair, too bad others don't see it that way.

The most average game, which suddenly at the moment, thanks to its cartoonishness, looks quite beautiful, but the game deserves to burn in the hell of 3D platformers that make you die in one place 20 times over and over again. The game breaks up the original a bit with its plot, but overall it's not that different. You won’t find more adventures on Dirk’s ass, only here not only your ass but also your gamepad will burn.

Максимально средняя игра, которая внезапно на текущий момент благодаря своей мультяшности выглядит довольно красиво, но игра заслуживает гореть в аду 3д платформеров, которые заставляют раз за разом погибать в одном месте по 20 раз. Игра немного разбивает оригинал своим сюжетом, но в целом он не сильно отличается. Больше приключений на жопу Дирка вы не найдете, только тут сгорит не только жопа но и ваш геймпад.

yes, the rabbids kind of killed the rayman franchise for a bit but people still kind of overhate this game. i personally like the rabbids and i remember getting this game on ps2 years ago and enjoying it. i replayed it again and it's still fun and hell i love the rabbids they funny bruh i ain't afraid to admit it. the game isn't perfect but i would be lying if i didn't say i have a decent time with this game.

minions stole their whole flow, i played the crap out of this as a kid with my family rabbids are so funny and awesome sauce

mini games were really fun even on mouse despite being controller oriented
honestly if i was a kid and got this game i would be really really happy