This is the one game I'll never understand any praise for, it's the one hill I'm willing to die on that it's truly terrible.

The map is huge simply for the sake of padding playtime, it's nothing but copy/pasted assets with a complete lack of variety in biomes. I get it's Greece, but sunny weather and grassy fields gets boring the tenth time you've galloped through one, let alone the hundredth.

The side content is thin and lacklustre, nothing but fetch quests and "go here and clear camp" repeated so many times I lost count.

The story is just average, though I'd probably have enjoyed it more if the game wasn't pushed as an AC game and just a spartan game instead.

I put 150 hours into this to get every achievement, and I'm going to think about that on my deathbed and how I could've spent that time better.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
