I played through this game twice, once normally and once to get the "best" ending. The art's pretty cute and this is my first dip into the princess maker genre. Overall I had a good time but I definitely had my complaints. First, you can access most of the endings by your 2nd playthrough in the same run by just saving the day of the ending and picking what you want. There's not really a ton of choices to be made, you're just getting stats. Second, while there are a lot of characters they're all pretty shallow. Each of them get about 3-4 events, one of which is their epilogue event if your daughter chose to marry them. So over the course of 5 years you get 2 personal moments per character. 3rd, I don't think the story was good and part of that might have to do with the translation. It is in pretty rough spot for English. 4th, the combat is very basic. I know that's not the focus of these types of games but its another example of this game trying to do too much but very poorly.

I think this game had the right idea but a very poor execution. It had a good balance just not enough content. And of the content it had it was all very samey. There really wasn't much difference between each of the career paths other than a a blurb or 3 throughout the whole game. The only real difference is the career ending cg and the tiny bit of text accompanying it. What a sequel or major patch could do is make branching actually relevant between the 3 major paths that it points to as well as adding more depth to all the side characters in the game. A moment or 3 isn't enough to sell a side character past their design.