Pseudoregalia is a game I enjoyed. yet have mixed feelings on. On paper it is the sickest metroidvania I have ever played due to not feeling like you can't get somewhere due to not having X power up. Yes that is present and some areas require very specific power ups, the fact that all power ups are movement options means sometimes you can get to an area "early" due to using said movement mechanics well.

However I feel the game fails in two key areas, firstly I don't know if I can truly say I was immeresed in anything other than the gameplay, a lot of areas feel more like game worlds than fictional worlds that are lived in, although I can see the emptiness being intenional at least in part, even if it did not land well with me.

The second area is the lack of a map. Yes the world is small enough it is fine enough, but due to the not too memorable settings it can be a chore, espically when I knew where I had to return to, but just could not find it and I did end up looking at a map once or twice online as a result. Another issue I have, although very small is that the game just kinda kicks you back to the main menu after finishing the game without even the end or something to make it feel finished.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023
