I feel like i shouldn't have liked this game as much as i did. theres a handful of multiplayer modes, and a single player mode that is definitely shorter then it should be, but i just loved every second of playing this. once you get used to them the single player levels are super fun and the boss fights (though reused) were incredible. the entire game is so dedicated and creative with its sea life themes that it ends up being a completely charming experience that clearly had a lot of care put in to it, and allows me to overlook the very short length of the campaign. The multiplayer is very fun but not easy (or maybe i'm just bad, but I've been stuck in C rank forever). There are multiple ranked modes and turf wars, which are all great fun. the only problem is the game uses a mode rotation system so sometimes you'll log on only to be forced to play a game-mode you may not like. The other big problem is that salmon run is only accessible at certain times for some reason, and speaking of salmon run, other than that one problem its incredible. its super fun and very hectic and you need full cooperation from your teammates to win, making it very rewarding when you succeed on making your quota. Splatoon 2 is all around a great game and super fun. Definitely worth checking out.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2024
