Pretty much everything about this game is mediocre and boring. the parts that are fun are simply taken from previous entries in the series, such as the combat mechanics, except even those are worse this time. Battle cards and paper Mario in general don't feel good to use. On top of this boss battles that consist of using the same few moves over and over and over again often last over 20 minutes sometimes, making them extremely boring and repetitive. Its not just the battles that are way to long however. the main story of this game takes around 25 hours to complete, and does absolutely nothing to deserve it. you pass through the same boring Mario landscapes you've seen a million times with nothing interesting, fight the same enemies over and over, and have absolutely no interesting story to tie it all together. there is zero point in checking out this game. Its dull, boring and disappointing in all regards.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2024
