Unreal Engine MetaHuman's reciting the script to a prestige tv show that only exists in your mother's brain. "ebin deprebbion memen"-ass. Haven't even actually watched this shit yet because i signed up and learnt that they locked the fucking chat and of course the only people pouring the hundreds of dollars on IP points are the most self serious mf's on the planet so all the most upvoted choices are the correct one. Truly don't know what you get out of this if you aren't treating it like a months long david cage QTE fail compilation. Like this would be so much better if it was just a quantic dream styled thing (like it would go from a 1/10 to a 4/10!) Where you could explore those alternate paths instead of the most boring option being the one you get to see. It already looks like it could run in real time on a ps5 anyway so idk why they did it like this.

No more silent hill please. Just take what you like about silent hill and make your own cool thing with it. That's basically what the first 4 games did anyway considering how wildly different they are from each other. I'm excited for silent hill f cus that's basically what it's doing, taking some basic elements and making something new from them instead of trying to make bad video game silent hill 2 again.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
