The 2nd best game after bully with rockstar's name attached and one of a kind in its own little subgenre.

A very interesting concept for a game
The acting is well done
The setting is literally the only time anything in video games has been placed in the 40s and not been WWII
I enjoy the general pacing of the cases.
The amount of detail on a lot of the game that most people will just never notice, like all the cars.

Feels like rockstar stepped in and forced some gameplay decisions
Everything that isn't the cases feels at best half baked, why would i just randomly enter cars?
The overarching story really gets stretched thin, his wife is more so non existent than an actual character and that's really disappointing.
the open world actively takes away from the game, although i do enjoy the car movement
it is just such a long feeling game when you try to drive everywhere instead of just letting the partner drive you.
A real downer of an ending, the bad guys get away with it all. Its very clear that the noire part is more taking inspiration from chinatown and... that's about it. The 40s noire films always have the bad guy get caught in some way and are usually very hopeful at the end.

I'm picturing an alternate version of this game that doesn't have an open world, has light time management with the cases as you travel to locations on a map screen, and you actually have your family be an aspect in the game. It sounds a lot nicer in my head.

7/10 for the 4/5ths i played of it. The shooting and driving aspects got very tiring. I'll probably pick it back up in a while. I would love to see another try at the concept but that's never happening.

Reviewed on May 25, 2022
