I started with an older one in the series that people said holds up fairly well. It did.

Fun setup for a war game
Occasionally the battles are fun, when you aren't taking over a city with 40 people defending it which happened way too often.
I liked having to setup different attacks in battle based on weaknesses and strengths. The city defenses are super fun

the actual overarching game outside the battles isn't that fun.
again, way too many times i went to a city only to have the lowest number of people defending it.
The game takes forever to play even if you are only steamrolling with one army.
the cities are kinda broken, there isn't an easy way to enter the main gate.
Kinda dumb ai

I am a little sad that they just stopped working on historical games for the past 7 years, but warhammer without spending thousands of dollars does sound nice.


Reviewed on Oct 28, 2022
