What can I say? I first played Shadow of the Colossus when I was ~five, I remember initially playing the demo and begging my family for the full game (which i think i got around launch? idk might’ve been no more than a year later).
It’s a great game in a way that’s hard to put into words imo, it’s not some kind of mechanical masterpiece if that’s what you’re coming in looking for, as i’ve gotten older i wouldn’t say it’s as great as a i remember it (though it’s still great) but that first playthrough was a transformative experience at the time, especially for someone who was mostly used to playing trashy licensed games back then. All these years later, I still hold it dearly and some of the brainworms that worked their way into my head remain.
This is my first review so I know it’s not exactly an informative, in-depth read by any metric, but SotC is important to me, so I wanted to get this out as soon as I could.

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2024
