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2 days

Last played

February 22, 2024

First played

February 15, 2024

Platforms Played


Actually goes pretty hard. Like, this is a genuinely really fun puzzle game, filled with so much charm and so many neat little interactions. And it’s honestly more fun than I expected.

I never played the original Snap, but I’ve heard a lot of praise for it. And I expected the remake to be good, but I was genuinely surprised by how much fun I had. And New Snap is GIANT, with a ton of areas to explore at different times of day and even POSTGAME areas! I didn’t expect the game to be as big as it ended up being.

The game is beautiful, which of course was the biggest thing Snap needed to get down. Getting to explore a new area was awe-inspiring and exciting because of how beautiful the game was. And getting increasingly better photos felt satisfying because the better your photos are, the more that the visuals of Snap are able to shine.

But Snap’s puzzles are also really fun. It’s really interesting getting to interact with the world like you do in Snap. From helping Pokemon out, to starting conflicts, to just getting to see some rare sights, Snap’s puzzles end up feeling satisfying to figure out. And not every puzzle or detail is a request, you can trigger special things to happen by being creative with how you interact with the world and it’s genuinely so cool.

That said, jesus CHRIST the requests could be cryptic. It felt like a third of the requests were incredibly vague nods to a certain area without giving any direction on how to actually solve the puzzle. These types of requests made the game genuinely frustrating at times, especially without looking things up. That, and the scoring/points system is really poorly explained, which can make getting good shots more difficult.

But like, I didn’t expect Snap to be as thorough, detailed, and content-rich as it is. That said, Snap could also be REALLY frustrating, enough thar it dampened the experience for me. But when it wasn’t frustrating me, Snap was GOOD. Fun timekiller, and I can see myself getting on it to complete the various things I still have left over to do from my run.