Taking a break from the spooky month to play a new release once again, which I totally bought and didn't emulate. Trust me.
Gosh, this one has so many cool ideas to it. I like how the stages can be played without the need to use the new powers, but using them so can make you find shortcut or those big coins. I also dig how the gameplay flows in this one. I was absolutely scared this would be a Sonic 4 situation, but... it plays nicely.
Sure, the soundtrack when it has that one instrument playing is kinda lame, but at points I'd just stop and vibe to the more upbeat and experimental tracks (and the ever ocasional Tee Lopez one too).
I dig how many different paths can be taken throughout the stages, and even how long most of them feel. this just embraces the Sonic CD style once again, just... a bit less freaky and psychodelical.
However.... gosh, the boss fights are a bit long, aren't they? And it's definitely my own fault at times, I keep forgetting you can use that one power where multiple Sonics just appear on screen (and the damage can stack)... still, this is definitely a conundrum from the dev's sides. "Should we make a boss fight where people will find a cheese to it, or should we make the boss only get damaged at specific points of the fight?" and instead of a Sonic 3 situation where most of them can be somewhat cheesed by just jumping above them.... they all feel like the last Egg boss from Sonic & Knuckles.
I didn't complete the game as it is, there's a LOT of content to be done (and even another story mode from what I gathered???), but I do feel like this is a great first step for a new 2.5D Sonic era. Makes me wish this was the new levels from Mania? Yeah sure, a bit... but hey, at least we don't get Green Hill for the hundreth time in this darn forsaken franchise. lol

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
