This game absolutely perfected the classic Megami Tensei formula.

The setup is familiar. You have a male protagonist who can't use magic, a female companion who can, 4 slots for demons, and 2 rows of 3 slots each to arrange everyone however you want. This row system isn't as beloved as Press Turn, but I find it really good for party building/setups, and this is the best version of it. Unlike most games with the row system, this game has skill inheritance when fusing, allowing much more freedom in how you build your party. Along with that, it has a unique Zoma system where you can basically fuse a puppet into your party that's strong and always listens to you but has some drawbacks.

If you asked "wait, what do you mean always listens to you"? Well, this is Devil Summoner, which means making a contract with your demons isn't enough. You have to get them to like you, otherwise they'll just do whatever they want during combat. This can be frustrating sometimes, but you end up forming much more personal connections with your demons because of it. To make them like you, you can either give them gives, or give them commands they agree with. For example, an aggressive demon will like if you tell them to attack but dislike if you tell them to guard. But after they like you enough, they'll guard if you tell them to anyway.

The dungeons are phenomenal, some of the best 2D dungeons in the series. Each one has a pretty unique vibe, and some have various gimmicks that makes them more interesting and memorable. Speaking of vibes, Paradigm X gives off a pretty spooky, almost liminal one. The sparse people sprinkled throughout it change their dialogue throughout the game, so it's worth going back often to talk to them.

The story and characters are up there with some of the best in the series. Nemissa, your companion, definitely has the most personality of all the classic games' female companions. Along with the progression of the main story, you'll go through occasional "vision quests" where you relive the final moments of summoners who came before you, playing through a brief segment using the demons and equipment they had on them at the time of their death. These are super cool and do a good job breaking up the pacing. Several characters from the first Devil Summoner also return, although I'm still waiting on a translation to play that game myself.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024
