Maybe I'm not in the majority here, but this game wasn't for me at all.

First of all, this is another space shooter game. This game however have his own little twist : the bells system. When killing an enemy or shooting at a cloud, a bell will appear. If you collect them, you earn points. You can shoot those bells so that they change colors. Depending on the color, it can give you a new power up when collected. These power-ups are really crucial if you want to go far in the game. When shooting the bells, thay can go off screen, making it harder to know where they are. If you shoot one shot too many, the bell will change color and it will become a normal points bell. The big issue here is that while trying to juggle your bells to get power ups, you need to deal with a whole bunch of enemies, which make it even more difficult.

Managing those bells with enemies is extremely difficult. You can also say F*** those bells and just shoot the enemies, but thay can be in the way, blocking projectiles that were meant for enemies.

Even though the bell idea is unique, it was a frustrating experience for me. If you want a challenge and count at the same time, this game is for you.

Game #20 of my challenge

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2023
