A first person puzzle game from one of the creators of the original Portal, you can't go wrong with that, right? Well, the game is enjoyable with a lot of good intentions but several issues hold it back from true greatness. First the environments are really blend. A lot of empty corridors which look the same which is boring. Also it's not as funny it tries to be. No great evil whity antagonist like GLaDOS (or even an antagonist at all). The puzzles are also not memorable and some even after you know what to do you fail and need to again and again becuase of controls issues. First person platforming is never great and this remains true here. Also the ending is very anticlimactic and disappointing. Also, while it is short, it felt longer than it had to be. All in all it looks like I was pretty critical against the game but in truth I did mostly enjoy it. Sadly though, I wanted to like it more than I actually did.

Reviewed on May 13, 2021
