It feels great going back to the Yakuza series after I dived into it for the first time with Yakuza 0 last year and experiencing peak.

While Yakuza Kiwami doesn’t reach the same highs as Yakuza 0, I was still having mostly a delightful time outside of a few obnoxious boss fights, combat being restrictive at the beginning, and Dragon-style combat not being well implemented.

Aside from those complaints. The combat does start to click for me once I got a decent amount of upgrades, Reviting Kamurocho felt both familiar & fresh enough to not feel I'm going through the motions due to these entertaining sub-stories and implementation of Majima Everywhere.

However, the main thing that made the overall package worth experiencing was the story. Some of these moments either give me the biggest grin on my face or break my heart and playing Yakuza 0 first pays off in terms of making me care further for the cast of characters and the ones introduced in Kiwami are pretty great too for the most part.

I'm excited to see where this direction is gonna go and I'm overall happy to become further in love with this series now that I have played 2 games. I still have a long way to go, but I'm on board with it. So yeah, I strongly recommend Yakuza Kiwami.

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
