Holy moly, they really expanded the universe with this one. With a proper story and everything, I feel like this is where the game really launched itself to a next level contender.
Even the plot going from just go kill X and we going around like a minion to some extent to actual rag to riches kind of a story that actually circles back. 3 Proper Cities to experience, and a whole lot of different gameplay to experience was just top quality stuff. Granted, I still felt a little remiss to give it a full 5 star just because I felt that the game while it introduced a lot of different mechanics, for the most part, it never got utilized again, for example sneaking missions or different modes of transports etc, but the even bigger reason for just that .5 is that I feel like the game was too big to handle itself properly and therefore stuff loading was a little too like if you look away its gone or cars spawning right in your face which was kinda sucky on the graphics end.
But overall an amazing game for sure.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024
