still extremely flawed despite the touch-up, unfortunately. the prospect of farming for healing items is very questionable to me and i’d say a good chunk of this game is pretty difficult without any sort of guidance. the bosses are laughably easy except for two, flamelurker and maneater. there are some absolutely dickish and unfair enemy placements, particularly the fight against the black phantom on the staircase leading to the maneater fight. all in all, the game still has some wrinkles despite the welcomed refinements. the sound design is spectacular and the game looks absolutely beautiful. many people criticize this game and compare it to the visual fidelity of the original but if having shittier graphics means i can at least play a more polished , easily accessible version of a now decade-old game , i don’t care that much. it was a fun experience but extremely inconsistent and sometimes unfair.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2022

1 Comment

good review, personally i never had an issue with farming healing items, bloodborne also did that and it wasn't too bad, and i think it was okay in demon souls, also the gameplay in the remake is about the same as original(minus a few quality of life improvements) it's the same gameplay wise at least according to a friend who has played the original. also you can easily cheese flamelurker and maneater with miracle and sorceress as they are broken in this game.