Prey 2006

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 7, 2024

Platforms Played


I remember having stark memories of watching my dad play this when I was a kid (even if I probably shouldn't have been watching this as a kid) and thought I'd check it out to see what it was like. I'll be damned cause for a 2006 game, Prey was ahead of its time.

For the first half of the game, it was just surprise after surprise as the game introduced various new mechanics and showed off some sick tricks. Seamless portals (albeit static ones) were there a year before Portal would popularize them, along with some great gravity-shifting traversal that adds some great dynamics to your standard shooter fare.

I was equally impressed by the small yet unique set of weapons, all serving a reskin of the standard shooter fare but with enough alien to them to help set them apart. These weapons hitting hard and sounding great only add to it.

And to top it off, it makes use of its engine's signature atmosphere, showcasing the bioengineered nature of the Sphere beautifully. Its texture detail may not hold up perfectly 18 years later, but the visuals at a glance hold up super well in contrast. Combine that with some great music, and it's a really solid experience.

However, there are a few things that hold it back. While I don't agree that the story is terrible, I do find it just sufficient rather than anything more. There isn't a lot of story content for a good portion of the game, and some of the antagonists aren't the most compellingly written. It's enough, but barely. The game also suffers from some weaker boss encounters, though none are particularly annoying.

Overall, still very impressed with how well this holds up. If you get the chance to play it and don't mind a mediocre story, there's truly something special here.