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Strap yourself in, we're riding to Dullsville!

For $9.99 on Steam, you can have a game that's worth maybe $2.99 on a good day with a solid 3 hours of gameplay!

Pros: It's pretty easy if you like easy games.

Cons: Let's just break it down as much as possible. Some of this is speculative based on my time spent with the game, but some of it is fairly obvious.

-- Bad voice acting.

-- The game only has three areas to it, really (unless you play on Hard difficulty, maybe -- I didn't).

-- (I can't prove this) The bosses are about the same power and toughness as the regular monsters for a given area. In the case of the second boss, I beat him in three swings of my mace. Same deal for the third boss.

-- Level caps at 20 and you will hit it way before the end of area 3 if you fight everything you see.

-- Worse regarding level cap, is that your spells (of which there are only two) cost 125 and 175 MP. You start with 100 MP (from 10 points of Will). Every point you put into Will gives you 10 more points of MP. If you want to be able to cast each spell ONLY ONCE before having to recharge your mana with a potion, you'll have to spend EIGHT of your levels just on WILL.

-- I don't even know if the DEX stat does anything?

-- There are three total regular weapons, the two you don't start with being given to you in the second area. It said they had different purposes, but I never noticed a difference. In fact, I just upgraded the third weapon over and over and demolished enemies that way.

-- There are two ranged weapons, but one has limited shots with no replenishment for them and the other has only a couple chances for replenishment. I never bothered to use either.

-- Potions? There's so many! Mana potions, Lesser Health potions, Health potions, Greater Health Potions...well, that's really it. The difference between the three health potions is 40, 50, and 70 HP gains on each.

-- There's a hunger level system, but there's also food every 10 feet and generally speaking, enemies drop food about 50% of the time.

-- You can't interact with much of anything.

-- There's a torch system that says that enemies are weaker while you're keeping your torch lit, but I didn't notice a difference with it lit or not and the lighting didn't change either to reflect this (instead, a tiny circle in the bottom-left corner just tells you how strong your light source is).

There might be more I'm not thinking of, but I can't be bothered to think too much more on this game. It's a waste of time for a few hours if that's what your looking for, but only worth it if you get it on sale for at least 75% off.

Reviewed on Mar 12, 2021
