I'll have to mess with this more, because it's definitely not a bad game, but it's a mixed bag that I really struggle to play.

First, it's way too easy. Enemies meander aimlessly or sit in one place and fire stuff, bosses are cakewalks. I got hit once on the first boss because I didn't know that some of its projectiles actually targeted you (a separate one just sprays in three directions). Once that happened, I just prepared to roll as needed.

Second, the level design is kind of...eh? It's not bad per se, but there's a lot of open area with not a lot going on and it feels like someone just took goal points for a map area, then threw together some random terrain to try and make up a path to those points along the way and in the process, made very long paths that don't really diverge at all with secrets pretty much out in the open at all times.

Third, the game sometimes has some weird chop for me. Might be resolvable in fullscreen, but I don't really feel like going to windowed mode to play a game.

Finally...it's just not entertaining? Visually, it's a lovely game. Aurally, it might be good but music seems sparse at times (I thought it wasn't working at one point when I was wandering through a particular part of one map, but it was just intended silence, I guess).

From a gameplay perspective, combat and platforming is just swinging without any deeper effort and hopping over pits that just return you to the other side if you fall in, minus a bit of health. There's a sprint and roll option that both consume stamina, but stamina doesn't start refilling immediately -- this seems like an intention to increase difficulty and make the user ration their stamina carefully, but rolling is almost never necessary and once you start getting tired of the winding paths, you'll be sprinting, only to find that you'll eventually have to stop after short bursts to get stamina back so you can keep sprinting.

There's a few bugs I encountered, but they were very minor in nature and I don't feel like they really detracted much from the game, so I won't go into them with the exception of letting you know that if you play with a DS4 controller, it may not register your triggers correctly, so make sure not to set the Sprint or Heal commands to those buttons.

As of right now (June 16th, 2022), the game is on sale for 35% off and I'd say that if you're a Metroidvania fan, that might be a good price for jumping in to try it (20 normally, 13 on sale). I'll come back to it at some point to run through the rest of it, but it's just hard to get motivated when a game is so bland feeling and easy, even if it looks lovely.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2022
