This game was a hit for me and then some. Checking it now, I played almost 300 hours of this game, and I will say that most of it was just me messing around with the building, exploring/filling the map (all three of them), finding all the wells, doing the occasional side quest (especially if it involved taking pictures), making dishes I'll never eat. creating weapons I refuse to use, etc. Even after finishing the story, I continue to come back to this game and continue on this path of 100%-ing it. Will I? Who knows. But, the game hasn't lost me yet with it.
There are some snags that I nitpick, mainly how BotW references aren't in the game, except main story beats, and also the sky portion of the map felt empty; I feel like should be more puzzles and less empty space you need to cross. However, that's about it. It's still my personal GOTY of 2023.

Anyways, talking about it has made me want to pick up the game again and work on that 100%, so that's all.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
